We believe Jesus, a First Century Jew, God's Son, Servant and promised Messiah, died on a cross in the ultimate battle with demonic powers of evil, sin and death.
We believe Love won this victory over death as God raised Jesus from the tomb. Our Bible-based faith in God rests on the sure foundation of Jesus' resurrection.
We believe Jesus is reigning now, through the Holy Spirit, in lives of all who trust him: That where the Spirit leads us to do God's will, a bit of God's kingdom comes on earth.
We believe God's kingdom comes where ever Christ brings light to the darkness. And we keep on keeping on to follow our Savior with unwavering hope he gives.
We believe God gives faith and hope to empower our sharing the greater gift of love. Jesus shows us that God draws the circle of love wide and desires all be included.
We believe we are sinners saved by grace, the love of Jesus shinning through us. Nurturing faith, hope and love, by letting our light shine, we trust in God's grace.
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