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St. Paul's is an independent, faith based, Jesus following, Holy Spirit led congregation where God and His Word are the ultimate authority. All imperfect people are welcome! You will find like-minded people with the same hurts, hang-ups, struggles and desires who are actively seeking to live a new Christ-centered life. Here you will find God's perfect, infallible truths spoken and taught. We are a faith based community who rely on the Holy Spirit for spiritual growth, wisdom, knowledge and discernment to navigate life's journey. At St. Paul's, you will be challenged, encouraged and equipped through God's Word to live a life He has intended for you. Come as you are and enjoy fellowship with others who desire to live and love like Jesus.
When you visit, please tour the butterfly garden in front of our church and witness the beauty of God's creation. Though the butterflies are only with us during the warmer months, our community here at St. Paul's will help you share God's story of faith, hope and love all year long! Come and see!
As the monarch relies on multiple generations to continue their migratory journey, also our Faith in the Risen Lord is to be passed on from generation to generation.
As the delicate monarch faces challenges throughout its life, yet stays the course, we also must Keep on Keeping on, because of the Hope that God has given us for our own journey.
As the monarch displays its God-given beauty for all to see, a reminder of God's good beautiful creation, Jesus told His followers to 'Let Your Light Shine,' and so we share the Love that God has given to us with the world.
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